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DAGRI - Dottorato di Ricerca in Gestione Sostenibile delle Risorse Agrarie, Forestali e Alimentari

XXXII ciclo: Lapo Pierguidi


3rd year

Curriculum: Food Science and Technology

Supervisor: Prof. Erminio Monteleone


Office address: Via Donizetti 6, 50144, Firenze

Phone Mobile:  +39 328 6963042


Lapo Pierguidi received his Master's Degree in Psychology at the University of Florence in 2013 (110/110 cum laude). After graduating he worked two years at the Cognitive Psychophysiology laboratory of Florence University. In 2015 he became honorary fellow for General Psychology chair. From February 2016 is a regular member of the Order of Psychologists of Tuscany. In 2016 he began working as a lecturer at the Sciences of Health Professions of Prevention course teaching General Psychology. He is currently enrolled in the PhD course of Food Science and Technology where he is studying the sensory and affective perception of food and beverages products.

Research interests and PhD project

PhD Project: “Motivations of consumer’s choice for alcoholic beverages: a study on the relationship between consumption habits and individual differences”. The main expected outcome of the project is the creation of a model that characterize consumers, product and context of consumption. Aim of this project is to use a combined set of variables to predict consumers liking on the base of physiological and psychological aspects, using both implicit and explicit measures to minimize distortion in consumer’s responses. The project has also the finality to add valuable tools in motivations of consumer’s choice evaluation for alcoholic beverages.


  • Righi, S., Gronchi, G., Pierguidi, L., Messina, S., & Viggiano, M. P. (2017). Aesthetic shapes our perception of every-day objects: An ERP study. New Ideas in Psychology.
  • Pierguidi, L., Righi, S., Gronchi, G., Marzi, T., Caharel, S., Giovannelli, F., & Viggiano, M. P. (2016).
    Emotional contexts modulate intentional memory suppression of neutral faces: Insights from ERPs. International Journal of Psychophysiology, 106, 1-13.
  • Pierguidi L, Righi S (2016) Emotion Recognition and Aging: Research Perspectives. Clin Exp. Psychol 2: e106.
  • Righi S, Pierguidi L (2015) Current Perspectives in the Intersection between Emotion and Consciousness. Clinical Depression 1: e103

Conference talks and seminars

Conference talks


  • Pierguidi, L., Righi, S., Gronchi, G., Monteleone, E, Viggiano M.P (2016). Studio dell'applicabilità di un protocollo elettroencefalografico nella valutazione del gradimento estetico di prodotto. VI Convegno Nazionale della Società Italiana di Scienze Sensoriali, Bologna, 2016.
  • Pierguidi L.-Righi S.-Marzi T.-Viggiano M.P. (2014) November.Directed forgetting for faces: the role of inhibition and contextual information. Neuropsychological Trends: Proceedings of the XXII Congress of the Italian Society of Psychophysiology, 17, 138



  •  "Directed forgetting and memory systems". University course of Psychology of the memory (2015/2016).
  • "Methods of investigation of cognitive process". University course of Cognitive Psychology (2014/2015).
  • “Principal methods of experimental psychology”. University course of General Psychology (2014/2015).




ultimo aggiornamento: 26-Nov-2018
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Unifi Dipartimento di Scienze e Tecnologie Agrarie, Alimentari, Ambientali e Forestali Home Dottorato in Gestione Sostenibile delle Risorse Agrarie, Forestali e Alimentari

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