3rd year
Curriculum: Food Science and Technology
Supervisor: Prof. Bruno Zanoni
Email: carlotta.breschi@unifi.it
Office address: via Donizetti 6, 50144 Firenze
Mobile: +39 393 5338822
I’m Carlotta Breschi, I was born on the 24/05/1992 in Prato (PO). I graduated at the University of Florence where I obtained a Bachelor’s Degree in Food Technology (107/110) and a Master’s Degree in Food Science and Technology (110/100 cum laude). I’m a Scoutmaster and I sing in a polyphonic choir (Euphonios Vocal Ensemble).
Research interests and PhD project
My current research is about extra-virgin olive oil turbidity: characterization and its role in conservation.
- S. Trapani, C. Breschi, L. Cecchi, L. Guerrini, N. Mulinacci, A. Parenti, V. Canuti, M. Picchi, G. Caruso, R. Gucci, B. Zanoni (2017). Indirect indices of oxidative damage to phenolic compounds for the implementation of olive paste malaxation optimization charts. Journal of Food Engineering 207, 24-34.
- N. Oliva, C. Breschi, V. Canuti, B. Zanoni. Indici fisici per il controllo della tostatura del caffè in una piccola azienda di torrefazione. Accettato per la pubblicazione su “Industrie Alimentari”; in press.
- C. Breschi, L. Guerrini, A. Parenti, P. Masella, L. Cecchi, N. Mulinacci, B. Zanoni (2017). Torbidità dell’olio: un tema ancora “opaco”. Olivo e Olio, n.5/2017, 18-20.