PhD Dissertation: 19/09/2017
Curriculum: Forest Economics, Planning and Wood Science
Supervisor: Prof. Enrico Marchi
Email: andrew@cmo.co.za
Office address: 14 Jansens Street, George, 6529, South Africa
Phone: +27 83 6765668
I am a South African citizen based in George, South Africa. I have received forestry qualifications from the Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University (N. Dip Forestry), University of Stellenbosch (BSc Forest Science) and the University of Pretoria (MSc Forest Science). I am currently completing my PhD at the University of Florence.
Research interests
I have a specific interest in harvesting machine technology used in forest growing plantation forestry. At a more focused level, this can be narrowed to the technology used to cost-effectively harvest Eucalyptus pulpwood, including coppiced stands. Further interests include productivity research in the harvesting fields.
The following papers have been produced:
- Pinus sawtimber tree optimisation in South Africa: a comparison of mechanised tree optimisation (harvester/processor) versus current manual methods. J Eggers, A McEwan and B Conradie. Southern Forests: a Journal of Forest Science, 72(1), 2010.
- Determining the effect of tree size, bark-wood bond strength and tree form on the productivity of an excavator-based harvester in Acacia mearnsii in the KwaZulu-Natal forestry region of South Africa. M Ramantswana, A McEwan and J Pauw. Southern Forests: a Journal of Forest Science, 74:3, 2012.
- A comparison between excavator-based harvester productivity in coppiced and planted Eucalyptus grandis compartments in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. M Ramantswana, A McEwan and J Steenkamp. Southern Forests, 75(4), 2013.
- The effects of number of stems per stool on cutting productivity in coppiced Eucalyptus plantations. A McEwan, N Magagnotti and R Spinelli. Silva Fennica, 50(2), 2016.
- Harvesting and extraction impacts on Eucalyptus grandis × E. urophylla coppicing potential and rotation-end volume in Zululand, South Africa. K Schwegman, K Little, A McEwan and S Ackerman. Southern Forests: a Journal of Forest Science, published February 2017
- Factors affecting the productivity and work quality of chain flail delimbing and debarking. A McEwan, M Brink and R Spinelli. Silva Fennica 51(2), 2017
Conference talks and seminars
- Silviculture modernisation in the South African Forestry Industry. A McEwan and J Steenkamp. Proceedings of the second International Congress of Silviculture. Florence, November 26th - 29th 2014.