2nd year
Curriculum: Agricultural and Forest Engineering
Supervisor: Prof.ssa Elena Bresci
Email: eleonora.forzini@unifi.it
Office address: via San Bonaventura 13, 50145 Firenze
Mobile phone: +39 3311119191
I am Eleonora Forzini, I was born on 19/12/1996 in Montevarchi (AR). I hold a Bachelor’s degree in Forestry and environmental sciences from the University of Florence. from the same university I obtained a Master’s degree in Natural Resources Management for Tropical Rural Development (curriculum land and water, 110/110 cum laude).
Research interests and PhD project
Water harvesting, water management, climate change mitigation and adaptation strategies. My PhD thesis will deal with fog collection, both natural and artificial, and the influence of climate change on fog harvesting.
Forzini, E., Castelli, G., Salbitano, F., Bresci, E., Using Google Earth Engine for the analysis of fog and forest landscape interactions in hyper-arid areas of Southern Peru. Earth observation advancements in a changing world. Associazione Italiana di Telerilevamento (Pp.53-56). https://doi.org/10.978.88944687/1
Conference talks and seminars
Forzini, E., Castelli, G., Salbitano, F., & Bresci, E., Using Google Earth Engine for the analysis of fog and forest landscape interactions in hyper-arid areas of Southern Peru. Convegno Nazionale dell' Associazione Italiana di Telerilevamento 2018, Firenze. aitonline.org/2017/11/29/convegno-ait-2018/