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DAGRI - Dottorato di Ricerca in Gestione Sostenibile delle Risorse Agrarie, Forestali e Alimentari

XXXVII ciclo Matteo Verdone


2nd year

Curriculum: Agricultural and Forest Engineering

Supervisor: Prof. Daniele Penna


Office address: via San Bonaventura 13, 50145 Firenze

Mobile phone: +39 33203352760


Matteo Verdone was born in Fiesole (Florence), Italy, in 1993. He received his BcS degrees in Forestry and Environmental Sience in October 2018 and his M.S. degree in Science and Technology of Forestry Systems (Forestry Engineering curriculum) in October 2021 both from the University of Florence. From 2018 he has been collaborating in the management and scientific activities in the Re della Pietra experimental catchment (Tuscany, Italy) where he developed his bachelor’s degree thesis on “Set up for hydrometeorological monitoring in a small mountain catchment and first results analysis” (2018) and his M.S. degrees thesis on “Hydrological response of a small Apennine forested catchment, Tuscany” (2021).

Research interests and PhD project

Matteo Verdone research project aims at better understanding the controls on throughfall variability and to use this information to improve the prediction capability of hydrological models and ultimately gain a deeper comprehension of the hydrology of forested mountain catchments in Mediterranean environments.



  • Penna D., Borga M., Bresci E., Castelli G., Castellucci P., Cocozza C., Errico A., Fabiani G., Gourdol L., Klaus J., Manca di Villahermosa F.S., Pfister L., Preti F., Tailliez C., Trucchi P., Verdone M., Zuecco G., 2020. Linking hydrological response to forest dynamics in Mediterranean areas: a new experimental catchment in the Apennine Mountains, Tuscany, Italy (other). oral.
  •  Verdone M., Borga M., Dani A., Preti F., Trucchi P., Zuecco G., van Meerveld H.J., Massari C., Penna D., 2020: Throughfall variability at the hillslope scale: the role of topography and tree characteristics. Research Abstracts, EGU General Assembly 2022, in press.


Conference talks and seminars

  • Matteo Verdone. “Allestimento per il monitoraggio idrometeorologico di un bacino montano e analisi dei primi risultati”
  • Notte dei Ricercatori – Bright 2019, Firenze, Teatro del Maggio Musicale Fiorentino, 26-28/09/2019


ultimo aggiornamento: 13-Gen-2023
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