3rd year
Curriculum: Forest economics, planning and wood science
Supervisor: Claudia Cocozza
Email: ilaria.zorzi@unifi.it
Office address: via San Bonaventura 13, 50145 Firenze
Mobile phone: +39 3460622098
I am Ilaria Zorzi, I was born on 11/06/1992 in Trentino. I hold a Bachelor’s degree in Forest and Environmental Science and a Master’s degree in Science and Technology of Forestry Systems (110/110L), from the University of Florence. My international experiences include a semester in Joensuu where I studied at the University of Eastern Finland and I took part of a research project regarding forest ecology, entomology and forest pathology. After the Master I spent four months in Germany, where I did an internship in the field of forest certifications and one year in Switzerland where I was part of the Technical Unit of PEFC International.
Research interests and PhD project
The aim of my PhD project is to comprehend forests’ physiological responses to climate change. An objective is to understand the role played by biodiversity in the climate change mitigation and how the climate influences the species composition and distribution. An important outcome could be the implementation of the obtained results in the forest certifications and in the sustainable forest management.
Zorzi I., Francini S., Chirici G., Cocozza, C. (2021). The TreeTalkersCheck R package: An automatic daily routine to check physiological traits of trees in the forest. Ecological Informatics, 66, 101433. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecoinf.2021.101433
- Francini S., Zorzi I.*, Giannetti F., Chianucci F., Travaglini D., Chirici G., Cocozza C. (2021). In situ (TreeTalker) and remotely sensed multispectral imagery (Sentinel-2) integration for continuous forest monitoring: the first step toward wall-to-wall mapping of tree functional traits. In: Dessena M.A., Melis M.T., Rossi P. Planet Care from Space, pp. 108-111, ISBN:978-88-944687-0-0. DOI
Conference talks and seminars
Zorzi I., Fabiani G., Verdone M., Penna D., Cocozza C. (2022). Does tree position along a hillslope affect sap flow rates? A case study in a beech forest in Central Italy. III Convegno AISSA#under40 – La Ricerca Scientifica nel processo di transizione ecologica in agricoltura, Bolzano 15-16 July 2022
Zorzi I., Francini S., D’Amico G., Vangi E., Giannetti F., Travaglini D., Chirici G., Cocozza C. (2019). Analisi e confronto della stagione vegetativa di Abies alba e di Fagus sylvatica con tecnologia TreeTalker. In: XIII Congresso Nazionale SISEF “Alberi-Foreste-Biodiversità: dal New Green Deal alla Form to Fork Strategy” (Paris P, Calfapietra C, Motta R, Travaglini D, Bucci G eds). Orvieto (TR, Italy) 30 Mag - 2 Giu 2022. Abstract-book, Paper #c13.16.1. [online] URL: https://congressi.sisef.org/xiii-congresso/
Cocozza C., Francini S., Zorzi I., Antonucci S., Santopuoli G., Chirici G., Tognetti R. (2019). Continuous large scale monitoring of functional traits in beech trees of mountain forests in Tuscany and Molise. In: XIII Congresso Nazionale SISEF “Alberi-Foreste-Biodiversità: dal New Green Deal alla Form to Fork Strategy” (Paris P, Calfapietra C, Motta R, Travaglini D, Bucci G eds). Orvieto (TR, Italy) 30 Mag - 2 Giu 2022. Abstract-book, Paper #c13.30.85. [online] URL: https://congressi.sisef.org/xiii-congresso/
Francini S., Zorzi I., Giannetti F., Chianucci F., Travaglini D., Chirici G., Cocozza C. - In Situ (TREE TALKER) and Remotely Sensed Multispectral Imagery (Sentinel-2) Integration for Continuous Forest Monitoring: The First Step Toward Wall-To-Wall Mapping of Tree Functional Traits - AIT 2021 X International Conference AIT - “Planet Care from Space” - Virtual Cagliari, 13-15 September 2021
- Castaldi, S., Antonucci, S., Asgharina, S., Battipaglia, G., Belelli Marchesini, L., Cavagna, M., Chini, I., Cocozza, C., Gianelle, D., La Mantia, T., Motisi, A., Niccoli, F., Pacheco Solana, A., Sala, G., Santopuoli, G., Tonon, G., Tognetti, R., Zampedri, R., Zorzi, I., and Valentini, R. - The Italian TREETALKER NETWORK (ITT-Net): continuous large scale monitoring of tree functional traits and vulnerabilities to climate change - EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-20591, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu2020-20591, 2020