XXXVIII ciclo Emanuele Giachi
1st year Curriculum: Agricultural and Forest Engineering Supervisor: Prof. Federico Preti Email: emanuele.giachi Office address: Via San Bonaventura 13, 50145 Firenze Mobile phone: +39 3465831729 ProfileI’m Emanuele Giachi, I was born on 13/09/1995 in Florence. I hold a bachelor’s degree in Forest and Enviromental Science and a Master’s degree in Science and Technology of Forestry Systems (109/110 Press Dignity) , from the University of Florence, discussing a thesis on Soil and Water Bioengineering techniques to restore the balance of the riverbed and to check the quality of the watercourse. I participate to the Erasmus+ Traineeship project, for a period of 3 months at University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences (BOKU),in Vienna, where I took part of practical courses on SWB techniques. After my master graduation, I acquired 2 years of work experience specialising on landscape and forestry management hydraulic risk , working as a freelance in hydraulic and forestry technical offices.