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DAGRI - Dottorato di Ricerca in Gestione Sostenibile delle Risorse Agrarie, Forestali e Alimentari

XXXVIII ciclo Jaclyn Di Meglio


1st year

Curriculum: Food Science and Technology

Supervisors: Prof.sse Sara Spinelli and Caterina Dinnella


Office address: via Donizetti, 6 - 50144 Firenze

Mobile phone: 


Jaclyn Di Meglio holds a Bachelor’s degree in Biology at University “Federico II” of Naples and a Master’s degree in Food Science (110/110 cum laude) at University of Florence.  In 2019 - 2020 she worked at Careggi Hospital (Cancer Unit) in Florence as nutritionist trainee. In 2022 she published her first article "Occurence of Dysgeusia in Patients Being Treated for Cancer” in the journal Nutrition and Cancer.

Currently she is a PhD student at the SensoryLab to research on taste alteration and food preferences in cancer patients  

Research interests and PhD project

Jaclyn´s PhD project focuses on the qualitative alterations of taste and smell in cancer patients during antineoplastic treatment. Moreover, the study aims to understand the effect of taste and smell alterations on food preferences and habits.

Her main research interests include molecular biology, genetics, oncology nutrition and clinical nutrition



  • Di Meglio J, Dinu M, Doni L, et al. Occurrence of Dysgeusia in Patients Being Treated for Cancer. Nutr Cancer. 2022;74(8):2868-2874. doi:10.1080/01635581.2022.2042569


Conference talks and seminars

  • SINU Congress– Napoli 4,6 April 2022 – Poster “Occurrence of Dysgeusia in Patients Being Treated for Cancer .


ultimo aggiornamento: 13-Gen-2023
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