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DAGRI - Dottorato di Ricerca in Gestione Sostenibile delle Risorse Agrarie, Forestali e Alimentari

XXXVII ciclo Enrico Lucca


2nd year

Curriculum: Agricultural and Forest Engineering

Supervisor: Prof.ssa Elena Bresci


Office address: via San Bonaventura 13, 50145 Firenze

Mobile phone: +39 3409110405


I am Enrico Lucca, I was born in 1992 in Turin. I hold a Bachelor’s Degree in Environmental Engineering from Politecnico di Torino and a Double Master Degree (110/110 cum laude) in the same field from Politecnico di Torino and KTH – Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden. As part of my Master’s Thesis project, I visited the University of Dar Es Salaam as a field researcher to investigate the occurrence and fate of Arsenic in drinking water resources in Northern Tanzania. After my graduation, I acquired 4 years of work experience specializing on the management of water resources and flood risk. As a civil engineer at JBA Consulting, UK, I conducted hydrological estimations of river flows, 1D-2D hydraulic modelling, flood risk mapping and engineering design of flood management schemes. In 2020, I joined the Food and Agriculture Organization in Lebanon working on the monitoring, allocation, and management of water resources for agriculture, from the farm to the basin scale. My passion for water science and my experiences acquired abroad motivate me to pursue a career dedicated to achieving a sustainable management of natural resources through research and cooperation

Research interests and PhD project

My research interests focus on the water-energy-food Nexus, climate change adaptation, hydrology, and agricultural water management. More specifically, my PhD research investigates the contribution of the Water-Energy-Food-Ecosystem Nexus to achieve sustainable development and its operationalization in the Mediterranean region. In particular, the aim of the research is to conceptualize a framework for the integration of Ecosystems in the Water-Energy-Food Nexus and to test it in a Mediterranean catchment basin.



  • Ligate, F., Lucca, E., Ijumulana, J., Irunde, R., Kimambo, V., Mtamba, J., Ahmad, A., Hamisi, R., Maity, J.P., Mtalo, F., Bhattacharya, P., 2022. Geogenic contaminants and groundwater quality around Lake Victoria goldfields in northwestern Tanzania. Chemosphere 307, 135732.
  • (Technical Report) Salman, M., Pek, E., Simongini, C., Bizri, Y., El-Korek, N. and Lucca, E. Assessment of engineering solutions for solid waste removal from irrigation canals in North Lebanon. 2021, Beirut, FAO
  •  (Master Thesis) Lucca, E. Geochemical Investigation of Arsenic in Drinking Water Sources in Proximity of Gold Mining Areas within the Lake Victoria Basin, in Northern Tanzania. 2017,


Conference talks and seminars

  • Lucca, E., Avellán, T. 2022. Untangling the role of Ecosystems and their Services in the Water-Energy-Food Nexus. Seventh meeting of the Task Force on the Water-Food-Energy-Ecosystems Nexus. United Nations Economic Commission for Europe, 2023. Geneva, Switzerland
  •  (third mission) Climb4Climate initiative. L’acqua e la natura: due patrimoni da salvaguardare. University of Florence e CAI. Firenze, 24 settembre 2022.
  •  (third mission) Notte dei Ricercatori – Bright 2022. Pratiche sostenibili per l'uso di acque non convenzionali - Water Harvesting Lab. Firenze, 30 settembre 2022.
ultimo aggiornamento: 19-Gen-2023
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Unifi Dipartimento di Scienze e Tecnologie Agrarie, Alimentari, Ambientali e Forestali Home Dottorato in Gestione Sostenibile delle Risorse Agrarie, Forestali e Alimentari

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