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DAGRI - Dottorato di Ricerca in Gestione Sostenibile delle Risorse Agrarie, Forestali e Alimentari

XXXVII ciclo Chiara Manfriani


2nd year

Curriculum: Forest economics, planning and wood science

Supervisor: Prof. Marco Fioravanti


Office address: via San Bonaventura 13, 50145 Firenze

Mobile phone: +39 3404660814


I am a Conservation Scientist specialised in wood technology and preventive conservation in the Cultural Heritage field (Esperta di scienze e tecnologie applicate ai Beni Culturali).

I hold a bachelor’s degree in Diagnostic tools and Materials for Conservation and Restoration (L43 - Diagnostica e Materiali per la Conservazione e il Restauro), obtained at Università degli Studi di Firenze in 2014, after a six-month study period at the faculty of Conservção e Restauro (Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal). I obtained my MSc degree in Science and Materials for Conservation and Restoration (LM11 - Scienze e Materiali per la Conservazione e il Restauro), at Università degli Studi di Firenze in 2016. In 2019 I concluded a Second Level Master for Experts in evaluation and preservation of Cultural Heritage (CH) (Università degli Studi di Roma Tre).

I worked as a CH researcher at Maastricht University and SRAL (Netherlands) between 2017 and 2018, and I joined DAGRI Department in 2020 as a research fellow for the research project “Innovative models for PREventive conservation in MUseums and post-emergency DEpots” (PREMUDE).

Research interests and PhD project

My research interests deal with scientific tools and technologies applied to the study of Cultural Heritage (CH) materials. My research activity has always focused on the implementation of informed conservation and restoration activities, particularly supported by environmental monitoring campaigns and evaluation of conservation conditions of CH goods and collections, with possible integration of a sustainable approach.

My PhD project aims to bridge the gap between technological research and museum and conservation practice. The project’s primary objective is the scientific study of application of IoT-based (Internet of Things) technologies to the conservation and preventive care of hygroscopic cultural heritage, with a focus on wooden artefacts. Collaborating with different cultural institutions, such as conservation laboratories and museums, will be necessary to apply the methodology to case studies, and to promote an efficient and sustainable conservation service that fills the gap between technological developments and cultural institution practice.



  • L. Riparbelli, P. Mazzanti, C. Manfriani et al., Nuove acquisizioni sugli effetti delle variazioni climatiche sul comportamento deformativo di dipinti su tavola, in “OPD Restauro” 34 2023 (under review)
  • L. Riparbelli, P. Mazzanti, C. Manfriani et al., Hygromechanical behaviour of wooden panel paintings: Classification of their deformation tendencies based on numerical modelling and experimental results, “Heritage Science”, 2023 (in press)
  • C. Manfriani, G. Gualdani, M. Fioravanti, M.G. Roselli, Conservazione preventiva al Museo di Antropologia e Etnologia dell’Università degli Studi di Firenze: il Progetto PREMUDE per una revisione degli standard e per l’applicazione di tecnologie innovative, in “Archivio per l’Antropologia e la Etnologia” CLII 2022
  • G. Gualdani, C. Manfriani, Applicazione di tecnologie IoT alla Conservazione Preventiva: il progetto PREMUDE, in “OPD Restauro” 33 2022
  • C. Manfriani, M. Zuena, L. Ruggiero, C. Lucarelli, S. Ridolfi, L. Tortora, A. Sodo, The forger's identikit: A multi-technique characterization of Pippo Oriani's fake paintings, in “Dyes and Pigments” 207 2022
  • R. Manca, S. Scrivano, S., C. Manfriani et al., Characterization of Castellani nineteenth-century gold jewellery by in situ micro-XRF spectroscopy, in “Scientific Reports” 12, 2022
  • C. Manfriani, G. Gualdani, G. Goli, B. Carlson, A.R. Certo, P. Mazzanti and M. Fioravanti The Contribution of IoT to the Implementation of Preventive Conservation According to European Standards: The Case Study of the “Cannone” Violin and Its Historical Copy, in “Sustainability” 2021, 13, 1900 
  • Figured as Advisor in Energy Ki Book - A Step-By-Step Guide for Sustainable Action, Ki Culture, 2021
  • C. Manfriani Identikit del falsario. Analisi tecnologico-scientifiche su dipinti a firma Oriani per la caratterizzazione dei materiali utilizzati per la falsificazione, in “Collana Quaderni del Master 7 - Esperti nelle attività di valutazione e di tutela del Patrimonio Culturale”, 2021, Ed. Efesto, Roma
  • L. Beerkens, C. Manfriani, S. Lenaerts and G.R. Fife Colors Before Zero: Commercial Alkyd-Oil Enamel Paints in Early Reliefs by Jan J. Schoonhoven. In “Conservation of Modern Oil Paintings”, 2019, Springer, 339-346


Conference talks and seminars

  • First International Climate Control Conference organised by KiCulture and CGC, online, 1-2 December 2022
  • 3rd Florence Heri-Tech International Conference, Florence, 16-18 May 2022
  • 15th International Conference on Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) in Heritage and Historic environments, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 14-16 September 14-16, 2022
  • Convegno “La gestione del Patrimonio Culturale in situazione di emergenza”, organised at Centro Operativo Beni Culturali in Spoleto by the Associazione VirArt, 16 November 2021
  • IX Congresso Internazionale Conservazione e Colore online “Knocking on Wood - Materiali e metodi per la conservazione delle opere in legno”, organised by Associazione CESMAR7, in collaboration with the Centro Conservazione Restauro – La Venaria Reale, 18-19-20 November 2021
  • Bright Night 2020 “Ambienti e oggetti”:
  • Poster:” The Maastricht Goudleer - Chemical imaging of samples from a gilt leather ensemble” October 2018 - Workshop on Mass Spectrometry Imaging, M4I, Maastricht University, Maastricht (NL)
  • Poster: “Studio sul dipinto su tavola originale Deposizione dalla Croce, di Anonimo Abruzzese del XVI secolo” June 2017 - Workshop Scientia ad Artem III, Auditorium di Sant'Apollonia, via San Gallo, Firenze (IT)
ultimo aggiornamento: 13-Gen-2023
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