3rd year
Curriculum: Forest economics, planning and wood science
Supervisor: Prof. Gherardo Chirici
Email: costanza.borghi@unifi.it
Office address: via San Bonaventura 13, 50145 Firenze
Mobile phone: +39 3341090932
I’m Costanza Borghi, I was born in Florence on 22/06/1994. I hold a Bachelor’s Degree in Forest and Environmental Sciences and Master’s Degree in Sciences and Technologies of Forestry Systems from the University of Florence (both with 110/110 cum laude).
During my student period I collabored with the former “Corpo Forestale dello Stato” (now “Carabinieri forestali”) in Vallombrosa (FI) and with “Unione dei Comuni Valdarno e Valdisieve” in Rincine (FI).
I also worked with “Consorzio interuniversitario Istituto Nazionale di Studi su Agribusiness e Sostenibilità- INAS” about Non-Wood Forest Products of Puglia.
Research interests and PhD project
The aim of my PhD project is to evaluate forest ecosystem services using remote sensing techniques. An objective is to understand which indicators could be implemented with the usage of satellite images, giving a common and cost effective way to assess the progress toward the goals set by Global and European forest related policies in terms of biodiversity conservation.
Borghi C., Francini S., McRoberts E. R., Parisi F., Lombardi F., Nocentini S., Maltoni A., Travaglini D., Chirici G., Country-wide assessment of biodiversity, naturalness, and old-growthness status using national forest inventory data. European Journal of Forest Research (2022 – in review).
- Francini, S., D’Amico, G., Vangi, E., Borghi, C., & Chirici, G. (2022). Integrating GEDI and Landsat: spaceborne lidar and four decades of optical imagery for the analysis of forest disturbances and biomass changes in Italy. Sensors, 22(5). https://doi.org/10.3390/s22052015
- Parisi, F., Francini, S., Borghi, C., & Chirici, G. (2022). An open and georeferenced dataset of forest structural attributes and microhabitats in central and southern Apennines (Italy). Data in Brief, 43, 108445. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.dib.2022.108445
- Sacchelli, S.; Borghi, C.; Fratini, R.; Bernetti, I. Assessment and Valorization of Non-Wood Forest Products in Europe: A Quantitative Literature Review. Sustainability 2021, 13, 3533. https://doi.org/10.3390/su13063533
- Sacchelli, S.; Cavuta, T.; Borghi, C.; Cipollaro, M.; Fratini, R.; Bernetti, I. Financial Analysis of Acorns Chain for Food Production. Forests 2021, 12, 784. https://doi.org/10.3390/f12060784
- Sacchelli S.; Borghi C.; Grilli G. Prevention of erosion in mountain basins: A spatial-based tool to support payments for forest ecosystem services. J. For. Sci. 2021, 67: 258–27. https://doi.org/10.17221/5/2021-JFS
Conference talks and seminars
Borghi C., Francini S., Parisi F. Vangi E., D’Amico G., Giannetti F., Travaglini D., Chirici G. Is it possible to use National Forest Inventory data to assess forest biodiversity? The Italian case. XIII Congresso SISEF – Sessione parallela 17 “Valorizzazione della Biodiversità I” 01 June 2022. Orvieto (IT)
Borghi C., Francini S., D’Amico G., Vangi E., Parisi F., Giannetti F.,Travaglini D., De Santis E., Chirici G. Integrating GEDI and Landsat for the analysis of forest disturbances and biomass changes in Italy.13° Workshop tematico di Telerilevamento – Telerilevamento applicato ai processi di conoscenza e gestione del territorio. 22-23 September 2022. Bologna (IT)
Borghi C. Country-wise assessment of biodiversity using national forest inventory data: the Italian case. Ecology Discussions Seminars at the University of Birmingham. 12 October 2022. Birmingham (UK)
Borghi C. Old-growth forests and National Forest Inventories: ground-based data for the assessment of old-growth forests characteristics. INES Seminars at Lund University. 01 December 2022. Lund (SE)
C. Borghi, S. Francini, M. Pollastrini, F. Bussotti, D. Travaglini, M. Marchetti, M. Munafò, G. ScarasciaMugnozza, D. Tonti, M. Ottaviano, C. Giuliani, A. Cavalli, E. Vangi, G. D'Amico, F. Giannetti, G. Chirici - Monitoring thirty-five years of Italian forest disturbance using Landsat time series - AIT 2021 X International Conference AIT - “Planet Care from Space” - Virtual Cagliari, 13-15 September 2021