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DAGRI - Dottorato di Ricerca in Gestione Sostenibile delle Risorse Agrarie, Forestali e Alimentari

XXXIV ciclo: Paolo Ferrari


3rd year

Curriculum: Agricultural and Forest Engineering

Supervisor: Matteo Barbari


Office address: Piazzale delle Cascine, 18 - 50144 Firenze

Phone: +39 055 2755876


 M.Sc. in Sciences of animal production at the University of Bologna. Researcher at the Department of Economics and Agricultural Engineering of the Research Center for Animal Production (CRPA) in Reggio Emilia. Fellow of the Italian Council of Doctors of Agronomy and Doctors of Forestry (CONAF) and the Italian Society of Agricultural Engineering (AIIA).

Research interests and PhD project

Project manager of applied research projects focused on sustainability of livestock farming in relation to animal housing, animal welfare, hygiene, biosecurity, micro climate control, waste management, energy and water consumption and analysis of investments in the construction and renovation of livestock facilities. Researcher in the ERA-NET SusAn SusPigSys project ( and work package leader in the H2020 research projects “HealthyLivestock” ( and “mEATquality” ( The PhD project is focused on the analysis of housing risk factors for pig welfare in a sample of European fattening farms. 


  • Ferrari, P.; Ulrici, A.; Barbari, M. Analysis of Housing Risk Factors for the Welfare of Lean and Heavy Pigs in a Sample of European Fattening Farms. Animals 2021, 11, 3221.


ultimo aggiornamento: 22-Nov-2021
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