PhD Dissertation: 07/03/2018
Curriculum: Agro-Forestry Engineering
Supervisor: Prof. Federico Preti
Email: yamuna.giambastiani@unifi.it
Office address: via San Bonaventura 13, 50145 Firenze
Phone mobile: +39 3349731220
I am currently a 3rd year PhD candidate in Agroforestry Engineering at the GESAAF – Florence. I graduated at the University of Florence, Forest science (110/110 cum laude) in 2014. I have held an internship from Linnaeambiente s.r.l., that deals on the tree stability assessment in urban areas. I also interested in cooperation for an Italian voluntary organization (Operazione Mato Grosso), that operates in South America.
Research interests and PhD project
The topics of my PhD project are: tools and methods for indirect detection of root system of tree, innovation in bioengineering, urban tree stability.
- Censini G, Dani A, Fazzini G, Giambastiani Y, Guastini E, Preti F, Sani G – 2015- Metodi non distruttivi per il rilievo degli apparati radicali e per il monitoraggio degli elementi lignei in opera e negli interventi di ingegneria naturalistica – Quaderni di Idronomia Montana
- Preti F, Guastini E, Penna D, Dani A, Cassiani G, Boaga J, Deiana R, Romano N, Nasta P, Palladino M, Errico A, Giambastiani Y, Trucchi P, Tarolli P - 2017 - Conceptualization of water flow pathways in
- Agricultural terraced landscapes - Land Degradation & Development - in submission
Conference talks and seminars
- Errico A, Giambastiani Y, Guastini E, Dani A – 2014 - Monitoring of a landslide stabilized with bioengineering techniques in 1997, northern Tuscany. Vegetation development analysis and state of preservation of wood - Egu General Assembly 2014